Digital CRM consulting and technology provider artegic AG is joining the Location Based Marketing Association (LBMA). With the development of its own technologies and practical cases in location-based marketing and proximity marketing, artegic is an innovative driver for digital best-in-class dialogue marketing. With its membership in the LBMA, artegic is keen to expand its involvement.
The Location Based Marketing Association is an international association with the aim of supporting research, education and innovation in location-based communication and services. The goal is simple: Inform, exchange, instruct. This promotes the use and establishment of new services and offers of our member companies. Members of the LBMA include retailers, agencies, advertisers, media, software and service providers as well as mobile phone companies. Worldwide, there are 1200 active companies in the association.
Proximity Marketing – Important Part of Customer-centred Communication
Users nowadays are expecting a best-in-class experience in marketing and service: customer-centred, cross-channel, quick response to real time, context-sensitive, highly individualised and relevant at the right moment. Location-based marketing and especially proximity marketing take on an important role here. Proximity marketing identifies mobile users and responds in real time to mobile triggers (e.g. a change in location) with location-based and context-sensitive communication. Event venue provider Weser-Ems-Hallen, for example, uses an app developed by artegic and task communication to send out location-based restaurant vouchers and was thus able to increase the length customers stay at a venue. Proximity marketing is only at the beginning of its development, many scenarios are today only possible via an app, but this is bound to change in the near future.
Carsten Szameitat, CEO of the LBMA DACH says: “We are happy to welcome artegic as the newest member of the Location Based Marketing Association. As an international association, our goal is to promote research, education and innovation at the crossroads of man, location and media. A marketing specialist like artegic who focusses on customer-centred dialogue marketing perfectly fits our criteria with its more then 10 years of experience in marketing engineering. We look forward to our collaboration.”
“Today, customer-centred marketing towards mobile users needs to take into consideration the user context and especially the user location. This applies in the real-time response to mobile triggers. Modern proximity marketing technologies like those of artegic must be able to precisely identify the location of a user even indoors and immediately output suitable communication measures via app push, SMS or mobile messenger. Proximity marketing and location-based marketing are very young disciplines and still offer a lot of room for innovative, new applications. We look forward to promoting these developments together with the Location Based Marketing Association”, says Stefan von Lieven, CEO at artegic AG.