Behavioral patterns in email marketing: 3 examples

Fortunately, most marketers have come to realise that the rational, consciously decisive homo economicus does not exist. People often make decisions, including purchasing decisions, unconsciously and allow themselves to be influenced by factors that actually have nothing to do with the decision. However, this also means that you can influence these decisions with your email…

Gain more potential from loyalty programs – through automation

Loyalty programs are an effective tool to strengthen customer retention. This means a strong customer relationship and high customer satisfaction. Therefore, a well-established loyalty program that regularly activates and incentivizes customers can be a key competitive advantage today. In this article, we give an insight into the use of bonus programs in Germany, explain the…

Local marketing for insurance companies: Empowering agents to do their own email marketing

Insurance companies usually have the marketing power for extensive campaigns: Budget, personnel, technology. But they often lack a direct line to (potential) customers. This is provided by agencies, which in turn have no resources for their own marketing. How do you get both sides together? How can agencies use the resources of insurers with as…

Increase revenue with staggered vouchers

Encouraging customers to make regular purchases is the original goal in retail. Marketing automation supports you in implementing simple but effective loyalty programs with child‘s play, e.g. to motivate customers to make follow-up purchases or increase the value of shopping carts with the help of staggered vouchers. In the example, each purchase is checked to…

SOKA-BAU trusts in artegic for email marketing

SOKA-BAU, the joint umbrella brand of the Urlaubs- und Lohnausgleichskasse der Bauwirtschaft (Holiday Leave and Wage Compensation Bank of the Construction Industry) and the Zusatzversorgungskasse des Baugewerbes AG (Supplementary Benefits Bank of the Construction Industry plc), relies on the email marketing and marketing automation technology ELAINE from artegic. The email communication of SOKA-BAU is aimed…

Never overlook your marketing automations again

Marketing Automation campaigns can be built to last ages. Once set up correctly, they run continuously and produce results without you having to intervene. What sounds like a perfect measure also has its pitfalls when Marketing Automation campaigns are “forgotten”. After all, the campaign may eventually stop running properly and no one notices until a…

Triggering of Follow-up campaigns

The communication for a transaction does not have to end after an order confirmation, shipping confirmation and, if applicable, delivery confirmation. Use transactions as triggers for automated follow-up campaigns. This is often the fastest way to turn simple transactions into advanced marketing automation. Some examples are: Satisfaction surveys with the request for recommendation or review…