As one of the first providers of Marketing Software as a Service, artegic has received ClimatePartner certification for its efforts towards carbon neutrality.
Climate protection is an important topic in business and society. More and more companies see themselves as responsible for reducing and neutralising their own carbon footprint.
With the certification “climate-neutral company” by ClimatePartner, artegic wants to make its own contribution to climate protection. Beforehand, a number of measures have already been taken to reduce the CO2 footprint. Both the energy consumption of the SaaS platform itself as well as that of the company and its employees have been and are being analysed and reduced step by step in a targeted manner. The company compensates for the CO2 avoidance not yet achieved in each case with suitable and also certified compensation measures.
Data centre with green power
artegic works with two data centres and both are operated with green power in order to make the considerable energy requirements for server operation, cooling and infrastructure climate-neutral. The operation of the ELAINE SaaS platform was optimised both in server operation and in the software application with regard to performance requirements. As a result, operation is now more efficient overall and energy consumption has been reduced. This also includes measures in the user application itself, among other things to reduce data storage and compress content such as images in emails.
Reducing travel distances
Already in 2019, artegic has equipped all workplaces with mobile devices in order to realise work-from-anywhere and thus reduce travel distances. The vehicles of artegic have been converted to hybrid and electric since 2020. JobTickets are intended to motivate all employees to use public transport. Even after Corona, customer meetings will in most cases take place via remote video calls instead of on site.
In 2019, artegic converted all the lighting in the offices to modern LED lamps. In office operations, too, efforts are being made to reduce resource and energy consumption, among other things by reducing printouts and using the climate-neutral search engine ecosia as a standard search.
“Climate protection is one of the most important tasks of our time. We take responsibility and do our part to reduce CO2 emissions. To do this, we have examined in detail how we can avoid or reduce emissions. Our ambition is to become better and better here and to identify further savings potential,” says Stefan von Lieven, CEO of artegic.
From now on, all ELAINE customers will benefit from the climate neutrality of the ELAINE SaaS platform.