artegic AG integrates eCRM solution in international marketing of ICT service provider.
PC-WARE, one of the leading manufacturer-independent ICT service providers in Europe trusts in German technology provider artegic for its online dialogue marketing. Based on the eCRM solution ELAINE FIVE, all branches of the PC-WARE group in 18 countries are now receiving a central platform for automated and individual email marketing.
Integrated eCRM increases benefits of online marketing
Primary target of the Leipzig based ICT service provider is to link email marketing to centralised CRM processes in order to effectively employ the benefits of email-supported dialogue through automation and individual dialogue sequences. The area of application includes all sales, marketing and service dialogues from lead management to customer information, reactivations, market research, update information, reminders for expiring contracts and event management.
With ELAINE FIVE, the dialogue sequence can be efficiently predefined and executed according to individual customer interests and specific stations in the life cycle. In addition, mobile and social media capacity unlock further channels for the communication, as well as distribution of messages, e.g. new contact generation via SWYN (Share With Your Network) in social networks.
PC-WARE’s email marketing consists of roughly a quarter of a million of business-to-business emails per months in – depending on the country – more than 20 different campaigns.
The choice of provider was based on a comprehensive market analysis, the high usability of ELAINE FIVE, as well as artegic’s professional support.
With its 17,000 employees, PC-WARE is among the five Microsoft LARs (Large Account Reseller) for the entire EMEA area (Europe, Middle East and Africa), is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and in the General Standard.