ELAINE SIX Embodies the Next Technology Generation for Real-time CRM Automation from artegic

Digital CRM provider artegic is releasing ELAINE SIX, the next generation of the award-winning digital marketing suite from ELAINE. ELAINE SIX combines the highly customer-centric approach of CRM with state-of-the-art marketing capabilities. Both real-time and automatization enable optimum individualization of the message, depending on the time, context and content. ELAINE SIX helps innovation-driven companies achieve…

PAYBACK Expands Collaboration With artegic

PAYBACK (an American Express company), Germany’s leading loyalty programme as well as largest multi-channel marketing platform and artegic, consulting and technology provider for digital CRM, expand their collaboration. In addition to operating the e-dialogue platform for newsletters and campaigns, PAYBACK is now looking at realising new and innovative applications. PAYBACK is one of the largest…