Opt-ins are one of the key success factors in email dialogue marketing. The more contacts that have agreed to be marketed by email, the greater the leverage in all measures. It is particularly your own contact points with the potential target group at which you should consistently acquire opt-ins. In this post, we show you how to generate opt-ins with downloads, the request of documents, surveys, coupon activation and free samples.
1. Downloads after registration
Do you link your content marketing with lead generation? Users can download a document only after registration. Use this opportunity to ask for their email address and other data, and include an additional checkbox for newsletter registration.
Tip: If you send the download by email rather than displaying it immediately after data submission, you will generally generate more accurate addresses
2. Requesting documents via email
Do you offer downloads on your website? As an alternative to directly downloading, you can offer your users to receive the downloads collectively by email. With the registration for this, the opt-in for further communication is collected directly.
3. Surveys & petitions
Opt-ins work especially well in high-trust situations, for example on the last page of a survey. Offer to send the results to the user’s email address they are required to enter accompanied by an additional checkbox for the newsletter.
4. Coupon activation
Everyone enjoys receiving discounts. That’s why it’s also worth activating a coupon online or via app first. This provides you with the opportunity to obtain an opt-in via registration or to find out more about users who have already registered.
In addition to the registration form, you can also include a short questionnaire (on the second page). Once users have taken the step to start the activation process, it is very unlikely that they will abandon the process.
5. Free samples
What the document download is in B2B, the product sample is in FMCG: a registration booster. Since freebies spread very quickly on the web, attention should be paid to data quality as early as the registration stage.
Tip: You can also give away product samples “only” in a raffle to reduce costs.