Personalised email marketing offers increase customer loyalty and  Return on Investment. However,  many companies shy away from apparently complex data analysis procedures, which can detect preferences and provide suitable contents based on the personal data collected. There are many simple, obvious triggers for personal communication. We have compiled some of these occasions for you.
In email marketing, the automated display of personalised communication is carried out by means of sophisticated algorithms. Data mining procedures, for example, search for patterns within recipient data sets, using multi-dimensional analysis. They can therefore identify relations between email use and purchase behaviour and adjust offers, accordingly. However, personalisation is no rocket science. The followings occasion for personalised offers can easily be identified without comprehensive analysis.

Brand Loyalty

If a recipient demonstrates particular high loyalty to certain brands, you should focus your email marketing communication on these brands. Recipients with a high level of brand loyalty are usually not price sensitive towards their favourite brands. Present high-priced products of each brand in prominent places and avoid special offers. Brand loyalty can be identified through scoring. Add a scoring value to each product. Those with strong brands should possibly have a higher value than those, which are purchased rather for functional reasons. When a recipient purchases a product, the scoring value will be added to his profile. When the added scoring values of a brand exceed the limit predefined by you, the recipient will automatically be classified as brand loyal and will receive relevant communication. The same procedure can be applied not only for brands but also for product categories, etc.

Cross and Up-selling

With cross-selling, offer the recipient products, which complement the scope of use of already purchased products. If he has, e.g. booked a journey, you can promote rental cars or leisure activities at the destination. With up-selling, you offer the recipient a higher-valued – and logically higher priced – version of an already purchased product. In the case of physical products, e.g. a laptop with a larger hard disk and faster processor, this should happen prior to dispatch in a transaction email, such as the order confirmation. The recipient would otherwise have to return his product. In the case of a digital product, e.g. a company software, it is worth waiting until the recipient is sufficiently familiar with the product, before offering an upgrade.

Profile Changes

When a recipient changes his address in his profile, this is most likely a sign that he has moved house. On this occasion, there are generally two personalisation options. Firstly, you can offer the recipient products, which are directly connected to his move, e.g. new furnishings. Secondly, you can call his attention to local offers at his new location. Save him a great deal of work, e.g. by finding him a new grocer for his weekly shopping and advising where he can find the nearest branch.

Situational Products

There are purchases, which hint at changed circumstances in the recipient’s life. When he buys a pram, e.g. a new arrival is imminent and you could offer him, e.g. baby toys. Moving or renovating can easily be detected by purchases of DIY products, e.g. tiles, paint or cement. Business clothes may indicate a new job.

More information on email marketing and other digital marketing topics

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