Email is an integral, if not even the most important, channel for a company‘s internal communication. This is not only true for the communication of employees among each other, but also for the official internal company communication.
Staff information, invitations to events, announcements of the management, information about employee programs etc. are usually sent out by email.
Internal email marketing is – if at all – plays a minor role in many companies. In only a few cases email communication is understood as internal email marketing, even though internal communication has it‘s own business goals as well, i.e. the improvement of employee loyalty. Employees are internal customers – they should be treated as such.
In this series of blog posts, we present 10 tips for internal email marketing. Today’s post is about the onboarding of new employees.
If a new employee starts working in your company, one of the first challenges is a successful introduction of the new employee and the communication of the most important information about the company, i.e.:
- How is the company structured (organigram)?
- Who are the most important contact persons?
- What are the regulations for data protection and data security?
- How can I request leave?
- What employee benefits are there?
This onboarding process can take quite some time. It easily takes some weeks or even months until the new team member is completely ready to work on his own.
Automated email campaigns support onboarding. Each email should deal with a specific topic. On the first day start with a greeting message in which you welcome new employees and announce that further mails will follow during the introduction process, i.e. “In the following two weeks, every day you are going to receive an email with information regarding your new position.”
You can also create interactive onboarding campaigns. Allow new team members to choose which topics they would like to learn more about and dynamically adjust the follow-up emails to their wishes. There are several ways to do this: For example, you let the new colleagues choose their own topics in a self-service center or you track topics they click on and adapt the subsequent emails to them. Modern marketing automaion solutions like ELAINE® easily automate this process and create onboarding campaings that are as complex as you desire