Following our article Transactional messages in the mobile omnichannel marketing mix, we present another effective use case for mobile channels in digital dialogue marketing: Alerts. Find out in which contexts it is best to send alerts as SMS or mobile messages.

SMS and mobile messages are particularly suitable for time critical messages. These include, for example, alerts in various contexts:

  • Changes: The gate of a flight has changed at short notice. A train is delayed. An appointment has been cancelled. These are examples of information that customers need to receive as quickly as possible.
  • Reminder : “Your journey starts tomorrow. Is everything packed yet?” “It’s about to start with our digital fan event.” Reduce the no show rate and shine with valuable service by reminding your customers of appointments and other events in good time. The shorter the notice and/or the more urgent the reminder, the more likely you are to use mobile channels such as SMS or mobile messenger.
  • Appointment coordination: The supplier must know when and where to deliver the package. An appointment has to be changed at short notice. A consultation appointment needs to be arranged. In such cases, mobile messengers are particularly suitable for coordinating appointments, as they can be used like chatbots. You can link to a calendar tool via SMS.

Alerts im Mobilen Omnichannel Marketing Mix

Whitepaper: Mobile omnichannel in digital dialogue marketing


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